Products catalogue
Out of stock
Tsar Hlib Tsarsky Pie 800g
800 g
Tsar Hlib Christmas Stolen Cake 500g
500 g
Tsar Hlib Cheese Easter Cake 320g
320 g
Tsar Khlib Podilskyi Bread 600g
600 g
Tsar Hlib Staroslovyansky Whole Grain Custard Bread 500g
Tsar Khlib Cereal Sliced Loaf 450g
450 g
Tsar Hlib Stollen with Maropane Filling 600g
Khlibna Hildiya Brown Toaster Bread 300g
300 g
Sto pudiv Easter Cake Baking Mixture 625g
625 g
Bun with apple 95g
95 g
Cherry Rollini 120g
120 g
Bun with spinach and brynza 95g
Rollini with Veal 100g
100 g
Hlibna hata Special Bread Sliced 600g
Vinnytsiakhlib Piatnychanskyi Sliced Half Bread 320g
Kyivkhlib Lavash with Spinach 3pcs 200g
200 g
Kyivkhlib Pita with Provencal Herbs 200g
Domashni produkty vanilla biscuits cakes for cake 400g
400 g
Domashni produkty Cakes biscuit with cocoa for cake 400g
Olkhovyy Wholemeal Bread with Sourdough 400g
Biscotti Easter Cake 360g
360 g
Biscotti Easter Сake 245g
245 g
Biscotti Easter Сake 360g
Pershyy Khlib Dniester Cake 500g
Vinnytsyakhlib Sliced Lunch Bread 600g
Vinnytsia Khlib Shchedryi Sliced Bread 550g
550 g
Agrola Toast Cereal Bread 350g
350 g
Vinnytsiakhlib Miskyi Loaf 400g