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Boris Johnson Churchill Factor How One Person Changed the History Book

Boris Johnson Churchill Factor How One Person Changed the History Book

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Boris Johnson is a British politician, a member of the Conservative Party, former Mayor of London and former British Foreign Secretary. He is the author of several books and has worked as a journalist for The T imes, T he Daily Telegraph, and T he Spectato r. Boris Johnson's book is the story of how the eccentric genius of Churchill, Britain's Prime Minister and one of the twentieth century's most important leaders, shaped world politics. Analyzing the achievements and mistakes, as well as the myths that accompanied this extraordinary figure, Johnson has portrayed Churchill as an incomparable strategist, a man of extraordinary courage, eloquence, and profound humanity. Fearless on the battlefield, one of the finest orators of all time, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Winston Churchill refuted the notion that history is the seat of great impersonal forces. This man's life is proof that one man - courageous, brilliant, outstanding - can shape the world order. 

Number of pages: 454.