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Eco Basil 10g

Eco Basil 10g

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Made in
  • Dried basil.
Producer's site:
: eko.ua
Product description from producer

Basil is a spicy and aromatic plant considered to be native to South Asia. It is considered a spice worthy of the attention of kings. Basil has always been recommended to be used in limited quantities, as its aroma is quite intense. Since the Second World War, when it was sort of a "second discovery", basil has been widely cultivated in Europe, the North Caucasus, the Crimea, the Central Asian states, in Moldavia. 

It has other names: garden basil, cornflower, red cornflower. 

Chemical Composition. Medicinal properties. 

Known as a herb and medicinal plant, basil blooms in the summer months and exudes a wonderful fragrance. Its strong and pleasant fragrance is due to the presence in the above-ground part of its essential oil, the content of which in different species ranges from 0.2% to 1.5%. It includes components: methylhavinol, cineol, linalool, camphor, ocimene, tannins, acidic saponin. It also contains sugars, carotene, phytoncides, vitamins C, B2, PP and rutin. Basil is boiled and drunk in chronic diseases of the stomach and bladder. Its essential oil has a bactericidal effect. Useful to relieve spasmodic conditions, bloating, flatulence, etc. Finds use in perfume industry. 

Flavor qualities. Application. 

Basil as a spice is widely used fresh and dry. It was once called the royal herb. All of its above-ground part is characterized by a pleasant smell and delicate taste. Its properties appear in dishes as if gradually - at first it gives a bitterness, and then a sweetish flavor. It is put in soups, vegetable dishes, especially beans, peas, beans, tomatoes, spinach, sauerkraut, in meat dishes. Today this plant is associated with Italian cuisine. It goes well with tomatoes, green vegetables, salads, soups, eggs, fish, cheese, lamb, pizza and pasta sauces. Basil in any form is used to make ketchups, sauces, gravies, dressings. Ground dried basil leaves are used to improve the taste of sausages. This spice is used in omelets, salads, and crab dishes. 

Basil is a particularly revered spice in Western Europe and in Central Asian countries. In the food industry it is used for smoking, making sandwich butter, flavoring sausages, stews. In the liquor industry - in the production of liquors. Dried basil leaves and other herbs are used to make a pepper mixture. Young twigs and leaves are used to flavor vinegar, which is then used to give a spicy flavor to salads and white sauces. 

Basil combines well with spices, resulting in a unique bouquet. Mixed with rosemary it brings a peppery smell; with chaber it adds spice to dishes. Combines originally with marjoram, parsley, coriander, mint, tarragon. 

Basil is added to soups, boiled and fried dishes 10-15 minutes before cooking. 

More information

Базилик — трава с сильным пряным ароматом и вяжущим, чуть горьковатым вкусом. Родиной базилика считается Индия. Базилик бывает зелёным или "опаловым" (фиолетовым). В Европе популярен зелёный, который выращивают в странах Средиземноморья - Франции, Италии, Марокко и Египте. В России же чаще всего продаётся грузинский фиолетовый базилик - по вкусу он немного грубее зелёного.

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