Products catalogue
130 g
Khodorivskyy Myasokombinat Belgian Pate 130g
Pyatachok canned meat pate 250g
250 g
71.99₴ - 74.89₴
Pyatachok piquant canned meat pate 250g
Hodorivs'kyj M'jasokombinat Chicken Meat in Own Juice 300g
300 g
Hodorivskiy MK Stewed Pork Meat 300g
Hodorivs'kyj M'jasokombinat Turkey Meat in Own Juice 300g
Khutorok Meat Pate 100g
100 g
49.30₴ - 65.99₴
Hame Poultry Pate with Tomatoes 130g
41.80₴ - 78.40₴
Hame Poultry Pate with Paprika 130g
61.89₴ - 78.40₴
Hame Poultry Pate with Garlic 130g
Hodorivskyi MK Doktorski Wieners High Grade
per 1 kg
Hodorivskyy MK Doctor's Sausages natural shell
Khodorivsky Myasokombinat Tomato Pate 100g
Khodorivsky Myasokombinat British Pate 100g
473.10₴ - 497.00₴
Khodorivskyi Miasokombinat Boiled-Smoked Pork Brisket
49.90₴ - 78.60₴
Oniss Liver Pate 240g
240 g
157.00₴ - 162.70₴
Val de Lys Provence Chicken Pate with Spices 170g
170 g
36.50₴ - 51.00₴
Oniss Odesskiy Liver Pate with Butter 100g
Gourmet Cazorla Pata Negra Classic Pork Pate 110g
110 g
161.70₴ - 162.70₴
Val de Lys Paste chicken with curry and mango 170g
47.60₴ - 91.00₴
Hame Pate with Duck Liver for Gourmets 105g
105 g
47.40₴ - 91.00₴
Hame Pate with Goose Liver for Gourmets 105g
58.10₴ - 78.60₴
Oniss Chicken Liver Pate 240g
62.90₴ - 62.99₴
Нame Gourmet Pate with Goose Liver 75g
75 g
58.50₴ - 63.00₴
Нame Gourmet Pate with Turkey 75g
Profi Chicken Pate 131g
55.40₴ - 93.80₴
Oniss Odeskiy Liver Pate with Butter 240g
74.90₴ - 91.69₴
Tulip Liver Pate 125g
125 g
Profi Pate from Turkey with Pork 131g
131 g
62.99₴ - 65.00₴
Нame Gourmet Pate with Poultry Meat 75g