Products catalogue
per 1 kg
160.00₴ - 327.00₴
Pancakes with Cherries
325.50₴ - 445.00₴
Cheesecakes with Raisins
209.00₴ - 375.00₴
Pancakes with Сottage Сheese and Raisins
pancakes ready meals Without brand mushroom Ukraine
230.00₴ - 282.50₴
Pancakes with Cheese and Raisins
167.00₴ - 261.50₴
Pancakes with Potatoes and Bacon
104.00₴ - 345.00₴
Stewed Cabbage
277.20₴ - 399.00₴
Olivier Salad
278.30₴ - 480.00₴
Crab Salad
216.30₴ - 455.00₴
Mimosa Salad
220.50₴ - 365.00₴
Fried Potatoes with Mushrooms
299.30₴ - 524.00₴
Greek Salad
239.00₴ - 341.30₴
Dressed Herring Salad
167.00₴ - 335.00₴
Mashed Potatoes