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Fine art to score on everything Book

N. N. Taleb Anti-Fragility. About (Not) Vulnerable in Real Life Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
N. N. Taleb Anti-Fragility. About (Not) Vulnerable in Real Life Book - buy, prices for - photo 2

N. N. Taleb Anti-Fragility. About (Not) Vulnerable in Real Life Book

Prices:229.00 — 389.00

Our lives are impossible without the chaos, variability and stress that constantly put pressure on us. In conditions of uncertainty, we strive for sustainability, but it becomes an obstacle to development. Surprisingly, due to the uncertainty and impact of change, people, things and whole systems can evolve and become better. Nasim Taleb calls this trait anti-fragility and outlines simple rules that will help turn unpredictability and uncertainty into a source of self-improvement. Moreover, this property benefits both people and companies and even countries, and the range of issues the book helps to clarify ranges from error, risk assessment to policy, education and medicine.

General info

  • Manufacturer"Nash Format-Internetri" LLC
  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine