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Krystal Buk Educating Stickers Marine Inhabitants

28.04 - 30.50

Krystal Buk Educating Stickers Marine Inhabitants

Cats Play&Develop Book with 69 Large Stickers - buy, prices for - photo 1
Cats Play&Develop Book with 69 Large Stickers - buy, prices for - photo 2

Cats Play&Develop Book with 69 Large Stickers


Whose funny noses, ears, and tails are these? Guess who is depicted in the picture. Help the cats get back what they lost. Use the stickers to do this. And if you get confused, look at the sample at the top of the page!

Number of pages: 10.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine