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Donna Jackson Nakazawa Fragments of Childhood Trauma. Why Do We Get Sick and How to Stop It Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
Donna Jackson Nakazawa Fragments of Childhood Trauma. Why Do We Get Sick and How to Stop It Book - buy, prices for - photo 2
Donna Jackson Nakazawa Fragments of Childhood Trauma. Why Do We Get Sick and How to Stop It Book - buy, prices for - photo 3
Donna Jackson Nakazawa Fragments of Childhood Trauma. Why Do We Get Sick and How to Stop It Book - buy, prices for - photo 4

Donna Jackson Nakazawa Fragments of Childhood Trauma. Why Do We Get Sick and How to Stop It Book

Prices:229.00 — 353.40

Childhood is often considered the happiest and most carefree period of life. However, this is not always the case. Stressors such as parental arguments or divorce, cruel treatment within the family or bullying by peers, the loss of loved ones, or frequent relocations, among other things, can lead to psychological disorders and physical ailments, even when adults do not see a direct connection between them. In the book "Fragments of Childhood Trauma," researcher Donna Jackson Nakazawa collects the stories of people who have managed to find this connection and break it. The author elaborates on how being "stuck" in the negative past affects us, why we cannot rid ourselves of painful memories, how stress experiences differ between boys and girls, and what exactly needs to be done to change the situation.

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  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperatureno special storage conditions
  • CountryUkraine