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Coloring Book. Poems. Tasks. Fairy Princesses Book


Coloring Book. Poems. Tasks. Fairy Princesses Book

Puppy Patrol Puppies Save the Train Book - buy, prices for - photo 1
Puppy Patrol Puppies Save the Train Book - buy, prices for - photo 2

Puppy Patrol Puppies Save the Train Book

Prices:25.00 — 88.20

The stories are based on the adventures of the heroes of the popular animated series “Paw Patrol.” Boy Ryder leads a team of brave puppies, ready to help in any situation. Cheerful, hardworking and fearless puppies won the sympathy of children all over the world. The train was trapped on the bridge, its path was blocked by an embankment on the track. Besides, Katie and her cat are on the train. Puppies, as always, at a height! The train is saved, Katie and Kali are safe!

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperaturein a dry place
  • CountryUkraine