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Book Olena Berezovska When You are 35+. How to Get Pregnant and Have a Baby - buy, prices for - photo 1
Book Olena Berezovska When You are 35+. How to Get Pregnant and Have a Baby - buy, prices for - photo 2
Book Olena Berezovska When You are 35+. How to Get Pregnant and Have a Baby - buy, prices for - photo 3

Book Olena Berezovska When You are 35+. How to Get Pregnant and Have a Baby

Prices:379.00 — 381.10

Today, situations where women become mothers for the first time at the age of 35 and older are becoming increasingly common. However, there are still many myths, illusions, and beliefs that late first pregnancy poses a threat to both the woman and the child. Olena Berezovska, a well-known gynecologist and the author of the bestseller "9 Months of Happiness," in her new book, debunks many such myths and shares scientifically substantiated and verified information that will help women conceive, carry, and give birth to a healthy child. The book discusses factors that can affect pregnancy and childbearing in women over the age of 35; it explains how to calculate fertile days and which tests need to be done before planning pregnancy; as well as how to prevent potential complications and give birth to a healthy baby. The book will be useful to both those preparing to become mothers for the first time and those who have decided to have a second or third child.

General info

  • Shelf lifeunlimited
  • Storage temperatureno special storage conditions
  • CountryUkraine