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Western Son Peach Vodka 30% 0.75l
750 ml
Prices:557.00₴ — 587.00₴
Gluten free vodka is made from high quality
American yellow corn. Distillation is performed ten times, making alcohols
incredibly pure and soft. At the finish, the freshest peach juice and natural
flavor are added to the vodka. The taste is quite light, soft, sweetish.
Nutrition facts, 100 g
- Carbohydrates10.13g
- Calories202.80kcal
- Fats0.00g
- Proteins0.00g
General info
- BrandWestern Son
- Manufacturerwestern son
- Volume750ml
- Shelf lifeunlimited
- Storage temperature5...25
- CountryUSA
- Taste-aromapeach