Products catalogue
350 g
Crushed Currants with Sugar 350g
Belfood Crushed Cranberries with Sugar 480g
480 g
Crushed Lingonberries with Sugar 350g
74.90₴ - 154.00₴
Veres Mashed Raspberry with Sugar 370g
370 g
175.93₴ - 211.30₴
Veres Raspberry Jam 630g
620 g
Raspberry Jam 350g
95.60₴ - 95.70₴
Sonty grated with fructose raspberry 400g
400 g
86.10₴ - 86.20₴
Sonty grated with sugar raspberry 400g
81.90₴ - 110.30₴
Veres Blackcurrant Chopped with Sugar Jam 350g
Blueberry Jam 350g
103.20₴ - 107.10₴
Zdorova Rodyna Grated Raspberries and Sea Buckthorn with Sugar 350g
75.80₴ - 76.60₴
Sonty grated with sugar strawberry 400g
79.00₴ - 79.50₴
Sonty Grated with Sugar Blackberry 400g
72.00₴ - 72.80₴
Sonty Gooseberry Jam 400g
Sonty grated with sugar orange 400g
Vilis Apple Jam 500g
500 g
91.00₴ - 119.00₴
Herbs Honey 250g
250 g
Smakuyte Natural Floral Honey 20g
20 g
118.20₴ - 177.00₴
Beehive Standard Natural Sunflower Honey 400g
7 May Honey 250g
121.60₴ - 138.80₴
Ecorod honey organic herbs 250g
205.20₴ - 210.30₴
Vulyk Acacia Honey 500g
169.00₴ - 287.00₴
Beehive Standard Natural honey Acacia 400g
91.40₴ - 143.50₴
Pravylniy med with ginger and lemon Honey 250g
161.90₴ - 165.70₴
Vulyk Linden Honey 500g
145.40₴ - 212.00₴
Beehive Standard Acacia Honey 250g
65.50₴ - 71.60₴
Bartnik Sunflower Honey 250g
114.70₴ - 130.00₴
Vulyk Herbal Honey 500g
78.80₴ - 86.30₴
Bartnik Natural Herbs Honey 250g
Pravylniy med with blueberries and lavender Honey 250g