Products catalogue
150 g
Auchan Tortilla Chips with Sweet Chili Flavor 150g
Auchan Nachos Chips Nature 200g
200 g
Auchan Mexican Chili Chips 185g
185 g
Auchan Tortilla Chips 150g
Auchan Mexican Natural Chips 185g
Fine Life Tortilla Cheese Corn Chips 200g
Metro Chef Tortilla Cheese Chips 750g
750 g
Metro Chef Tortilla Corn Chips with BBQ Flavor 750g
Fine Life Tortilla Hot Corn Chips 200g
Fine Life Tortilla Salted Corn Chips 200g
129.90₴ - 187.00₴
Pringles Cheese&Onion Chips 165g
165 g
Metro Chef Tortilla Corn Chips with Sweet Chili Flavor 750g
Metro Chef Tortilla Corn Chips with Salt 750g
Metro Chef Tortilla Hot Chips 750g
115.43₴ - 139.20₴
Chio Cheese Potato Chips 150g