Products catalogue
700 ml
79.99₴ - 121.70₴
Cider Fruit With Apple Semidry Royal
Cider Fruit With Cherry Red Strongly Carbonated 0.7l
Royal Fruit Garden Zbiten Zolotonsky Cider 5.0-6.9% 0.7l
42.80₴ - 48.99₴
Cidre Royal Cherry sweet cider 0.33l
350 ml
Cidre Royal Sparkling Semi-sweet Apple Cider 0.7l
Сidrе Royal Apple Cider with Strawberries 5% 0.7l
35.90₴ - 48.99₴
Сidre Royal Smile Semi-Sweet Apple Cider 5-6.9% 0.33l
35.90₴ - 47.99₴
Сidrе Royal Cranberry Cider 5-6.9% 0.33l
330 ml
Сidrе Royal Currant cider 5-6.9% 0.33l
45.90₴ - 58.10₴
Sidre Royal Magnum Sekt Dry Cider 8% 0.33l
45.90₴ - 58.99₴
Royal Маgnum Sekt Sparkling Semi-dry Сidrе 8% 0.33l
Zolotoniskiy Apple Cider with Cherry 5% 0.5l
500 ml
Zolotoniskiy Apple Cider with Pear 5% 0.5l
139.90₴ - 142.40₴
Magnum Sekt Semi-dry Cider 8% 0.7l
359.00₴ - 503.10₴
Absolut Pears Vodka 700ml
102.40₴ - 103.90₴
Flensburger Gold Light Pasteurized Beer 4.8% 0.33l
41.10₴ - 47.80₴
Kings Bridge Gin&Tonic Low-Alcoholic Drink Can 7% 0.5l
83.90₴ - 86.30₴
Forever Black Queen Dark Unfiltered Beer 5.5% 0.5l
53.80₴ - 76.60₴
Prazacka Light Beer 4% 0.5l
24.90₴ - 33.00₴
Zibert Bavarian Light Beer 5% 0.5l
39.80₴ - 47.50₴
King`s Bridge Gin & Berry Low-Alcohol Drink 7% 0.5l
69.90₴ - 84.99₴
Picnic Highland Mulled Wine Red Grape Wine Drink 6.5% 1l
1 l
40.50₴ - 47.80₴
King's Bridge Gin & Grapefruit Low-Alcohol Drink 7% 0.45l
450 ml
46.60₴ - 57.10₴
Revo Alco Energy Low Alcohol Energy Drink 8.5% 0.5l
43.90₴ - 52.30₴
Shake Mojito Highly Carbonated Low-alcohol Drink 7% 0.5l
82.00₴ - 109.20₴
Paulaner Original Munchner Hell Lager Beer 4.9% 0.5l
47.10₴ - 67.70₴
Volfas Engelman Tradiciskas Light Beer 6% 0.568l
568 ml
48.40₴ - 86.80₴
Budweiser Budvar Light Beer 5% 0.5l
49.30₴ - 75.80₴
Krombacher Hell Light Beer 5% 0.5l
43.80₴ - 50.54₴
Obolon Brandy-Cola Low Alcohol Drink 8% 0.5l