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Petritegi Espumoso Brut Nature Cider 7% 0.75l
750 ml
Authentic and natural sparkling cider, crafted using the traditional method of secondary fermentation on the lees in the bottle for 9 months, from cider apples at a winery in Astigarraga. The taste is marked by light acidity and notable freshness, characteristic of the Basque cider apples from which it is made.
Cider apples.
Nutrition facts, 100 g
- Carbohydrates0.70g
- Calories32.00kcal
- Fats0.00g
- Proteins0.00g
General info
- BrandPetritegi
- Manufacturerpetritegi sagardoak 2011 sl
- Volume750ml
- Shelf life24 months
- Storage temperature5...25
- CountrySpain