Products catalogue
23.5 g
19.90₴ - 29.00₴
FITNESS® Cereal Bar with Chocolate with Vitamins and Minerals 23.5g
17.50₴ - 28.09₴
FITNESS® Cereal Bar with Vitamins and Minerals 23.5g
24.50₴ - 30.50₴
NESTLÉ® FITNESS® Cereal Bar with Cookies and White Chocolate 23.5g
22.20₴ - 25.80₴
NESTLÉ® NESQUIK® Whole Grain Bar with Cocoa 25g
25 g
37.70₴ - 58.00₴
NESTLÉ® LION® King bar 2+1 90g
90 g
89.99₴ - 132.50₴
NESTLÉ® FITNESS®&Fruits Whole Grain Dry Breakfast 225g
225 g
21.40₴ - 29.99₴
Kohana Fitness & Go Berry North Cranberry Bar 40g
40 g
78.00₴ - 96.40₴
NESTLÉ® CINI-MINIS® Cinnamon Flavored Dry Breakfast 210g
210 g
22.79₴ - 31.69₴
NESTLÉ® AERO® aerated milk chocolate bar 30g
30 g
113.31₴ - 177.00₴
NESTLÉ® CINI-MINIS® Dry Breakfast with Cinnamon 375g
375 g
27.70₴ - 36.78₴
Misso Fitbar Date+Hazelnut Bar 30g
14.49₴ - 15.70₴
Axa Cereal Bar with Yogurt Flavor and Wild Berries 25g
401.30₴ - 625.00₴
NESTLÉ® LION® White Rock Candies
per 1 kg
116.00₴ - 132.50₴
Nestle Fitnes Yogurt Breakfast Dry Breakfast 225g
150.90₴ - 212.50₴
NESTLÉ® FITNESS® Dry Breakfast 425g
425 g