Products catalogue
23.70₴ - 26.00₴
Tofita Strawberry Chewing Candies 47g
47 g
114.90₴ - 185.65₴
Fruitim Juicy Strawberry Lollipops on Stick without Sugar 50g
50 g
24.30₴ - 33.50₴
Halls Mini Mints Watermelon Flavored Candies 12.5g
12.5 g
12.90₴ - 20.70₴
Halls Wild Berry Flavored Lollipops 25.2g
25.2 g
12.90₴ - 20.29₴
Halls Extra Strong Sweets with Menthol and Eucalypt Flavor 25.2g
33.5 g • 20 pcs in pack
YumEarth Organic Apple Cherry Grapes Lollipops 85g
85 g
Gogodza Raspberry and Apple Lollipop 10g
10 g
102.10₴ - 103.70₴
Kalfany Strawberry Candies 150g
150 g
YumEarth Pomegranate Strawberry Peach Watermelon Organic Lollipops 85g
287.00₴ - 312.70₴
Yummy Earth Organic Vitamin C Pops 87g
87 g
Gogodza Strawberry and Cranberry Lollipop 10g
Gogodza Strawberries and Raspberries Lollipop 10g
31.99₴ - 36.10₴
Jeremy Apple Flavored Lollipop 10g
31.99₴ - 37.00₴
Jeremy Lollipop with Strawberry Flavor 10g
34.70₴ - 37.40₴
Original Gourmet Lollipops 31g in assortment
31 g
4.00₴ - 5.60₴
Okki Chupa Chups Classic Candy 14.9g
43 g