Products catalogue
29.40₴ - 37.40₴
Voloshkove Pole Pineapple Lactose-free Bifidoyogurt 1.5% 350g
350 g
32.30₴ - 37.20₴
Lactel Pineapple Lactose-free Yogurt 1.5% 290g
290 g
36.99₴ - 47.70₴
Galychyna Pineapple Yogurt 2.2% 250g
250 g
98.80₴ - 98.90₴
Scarlino Sausages with Chicken and Pork Meat 250g
Sterzing Vipiteno Organic Coconut-Almond Yogurt 3.5% 250g
Sterzing Vipiteno Organic Mango-Turmeric Yogurt 250g
Sterzing Vipiteno Organic Apple-Cinnamon Yogurt 3.5% 250g
Kiliia Elite Mango-Pineapple Yogurt 2.5% 400g
400 g
Kiliia Pineapple-Mango Yogurt 2.5% 860g
860 g
25.40₴ - 29.99₴
RaDymo Lactoimmun Mango-Pineapple Yogurt with Probiotics 1.5% 270g
270 g
Gormolzavod №1 Pineapple-mango Yogurt 1.5% 750g
750 g
26.49₴ - 31.20₴
Yahotynskyi Pineapple Yogurt 1.5% 270g
39.99₴ - 40.30₴
Yagotyn Pineapple Yogurt 2.1% 260g
260 g
55.00₴ - 56.60₴
Chudo Mango-Banana-Pineapple Yogurt 2.5% 520g
520 g
Semerka Pineapple-Mango Yogurt 1% 400g
Rioba Pineapple Yogurt with Lactulose 1.5% 780g
780 g